17May3126 Comments
स्वयं की खबरदारी ले सेवाकार्य आरंभ करें सहकार भारती के कार्यकर्ता: संजयजी पाचपोर
कोरोना महामारी की दूसरी लहर के चलते, समाज की आवश्यकता को ध्यान में लेते हुए सहकार भारती के कार्यकर्ता सेवाकार्य आरंभ करें ऐसा आह्वान सहकार भारती के राष्ट्रीय संगठनमंत्री श्री संजय जी पाचपोर ने देश के सभी कार्यकर्ताओंकों एक पत्र द्वारा किया है।
पढ़िये संजयजी का सभी कार्यकर्तागण को आह्वान
आत्मीय कार्यकर्ता,
सादर नमस्कार
आशा हैं आप एवं परिवार जन कुशाल मंगल एवं स्वस्थ होगें ही।
दुनिया के विभिन्न देशों सहित भारत में करोना की दूसरी लहर भारी कहर बरपा रही हैं। विशेषज्ञों का मानना है कि संतुलित जीवन शैली के साथ सावधानी और संयम ही इस महामारी से बचने की राह हैं।
2020 में यह महामारी बहुत हद तक शहरों तक सिमित रही थी, लेकिन इस वर्ष यह गाँव गाँव तक पहुंच चुकी हैं। अस्पतालों में भीड है और स्वास्थ सेवाओं पर दबाव; साथ ही "रेमडेसीवीर इंजेक्शन" (remdesivir), प्राणवायू (ऑक्सिजन) की कमी के कारण कार...

13May9320 Comments
Extend the term of the EC for UCBs by 2 months: Sahakar Bharati to RBI
Sahakar Bharati has urged RBI to extend the date of submission of the views of stakeholders of the CoOperative sector before the newly constituted Expert Committee for the UCBs.
In a statement released by Sahakar Bharati on 12 May 2021, thanking RBI for constituting Expert Committee on UCBs, Sahakar Bharati asserts that the EC will examine the issues and provide a Roadmap for strengthening the Urban Banking Sector.
Sahakar Bharati statement signed by Sahakar Bharati National President Ramesh Vaidya and Ntl Gen Secretary Dr Uday Joshi says: “The term of the Committee expires on 8th of June, 2021. Due to Covid conditions and the continued surge of Covid infections, it has not been possible for many UCBs, Academicians, CoOperators, etc to submit their views to the Committee.”
Citing ...

1May6469 Comments
Marathe expresses grief on the sudden death of Shri Laxmi Narain Gupta ji
Calling it a ‘sudden and unexpected loss’ Sahakar Bharati Founder member and RBI Director Satish Marathe has expressed grief on the death of Late Shri Laxmi Narain Gupta. Sahakar Bharati has arranged a virtual meeting on 4 May 2021 at 6 p.m. on Facebook Live to pay tributes to Shri Gupta.
Late Shri Laxmi Narain Gupta was Ex-President Sahakar Bharati Delhi, ex Ntnl Treasurer of Sahakar Bharati & present was working as Rashtriya Sampark Pramukh.
Laxmiji succumbed to Covid-19 in the evening on Thursday. He was in his early Sixies. Gupta’s sudden death sent shockwaves in the cooperative sector Thursday evening. Both Marathe and Sahakar Bharati General Secretary Uday Joshi shared the sad news with Indian Cooperative.
Gupta passed away at Maharaja Agrasen Hospital, Punjabi Bagh. He ...

18Apr26601 Comments
सहकार भारती उत्तराखंड तृतीय प्रदेश अधिवेशन देहरादून मे सम्पन्न
सहकार भारती के उत्तराखंड प्रदेश का तृतीय अधिवेशन देहरादून मे 3 अप्रैल 2021 को सम्पन्न हुआ। अधिवेशन का उदघाटन मा श्री बृजभूषण गरोला ( राज्य सहकारी संघ के अध्यक्ष) के करकमलोंसे हुआ।
मा श्री प्रेमचंद शर्मा ( कृषी क्षेत्र के पद्मश्री प्राप्त), राष्ट्रीय उपाध्यक्ष श्री हर्जित सिंह ग्रेवालजी, राष्ट्रीय महमंत्री श्री ड़ॉ उदय जोशी और सहकार भारती के राष्ट्रीय संगठनमंत्री श्री संजय जी पाचपोर अधिवेशन में उपस्थित रहे।
उत्तराखंड राज्य के विभिन्न सहकारी संस्था, स्वयं सहायता समूह, एवं 8 जिले से 145 कार्यकर्ता उपस्थित रहे। अधिवेशन में महिला कार्यकर्ताओं की उपस्थिति सराहनीय रही।...

18Apr5451 Comments
Sahakar Bharati pitches for Constitution of Committee to formulate National Policy for Rural CoOperatives
To achieve rapid, equitable and sustainable growth of the Rural and Agricultural Sectors, Sahakar Bharati has raised its voice to formulate a National Policy to define the Roles of CoOperative Financial Institutions, particularly, PACs, DCCBs and StCBs.
Doubling Farmers’ Income, making Bharat Atmanirbhar, and taking the Indian Economy to the Five Trillion Dollar level, are the main mottos behind the demands of Sahakar Bharati. This was discussed in the National Conclave of District Central CoOperative Banks which was held under the aegis of CoOperative Development Forum (CDF) on 22nd March 2021 at NCUI Auditorium, New Delhi.
National Conclave of DCCBs was attended over by 165 Chairmen, Directors, MDs, Administrators, Senior Officials of DCCBs from 13 States viz Madhya Pradesh, Uttar ...

16Apr5352 Comments
Satish Marathe on NHB Board
Sahakar Bharati Founder member and RBI Director Satish Marathe has been nominated on the Board of the National Housing Bank (NHB) as per recent RBI notification.
NHB acts as an apex financial institution for the housing sector.
Sahakar Bharati National President Shri Ramesh Vaidya and National General Secretary Dr Uday Joshi has congratulated Marathe on his nomination.

23Mar8416 Comments
Marathe strongly advocates continuity of district central cooperative banks
RBI Board member and Sahakar Bharati founder member Satish Marathe strongly advocated continuity of district central cooperative banks, calling them the lifeline of the rural co-op credit system. Marathe was speaking at the launch of the Cooperative Development Forum.
Ushering in a new chapter in the Indian cooperative movement, Parshottam Rupala, Union State Minister formally inaugurated the ‘Cooperative Development Forum’ at a simple yet elegant function at the NCUI headquarters in Delhi on Monday.
Lambasting some of the state govt moves to merge DCCBs into an apex bank, Marathe said how can you imagine a rural credit system without the local feel. Can an apex bank sitting at the state capital know about the needs of rural folks as well as DCCBs or PACS he asked?
DCCBs have been...

23Mar9337 Comments
Activities, Co-Operative Movement, CoOp Cells, DCCBs, Events, Latest Updates, National Level Associations / Federations Of Co-Operatives
CDF inaugurated; aim is to give the co-operative sector an enabling framework to grow
Ushering in a new chapter in the Indian cooperative movement, Parshottam Rupala, Union State Minister formally inaugurated the ‘Cooperative Development Forum’ at a simple yet elegant function at the NCUI headquarters in Delhi on Monday.
Leaders like Suresh Prabhu, Satish Marathe, Dr U S Awasthi, Dr Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, Sahakar Bharati General Secretary Dr Uday Joshi were present on the dais. It was a day of the birth of a co-op body which if nurtured well, could prove to be a game-changer and make co-operative a buzz word not only for the government but also for the youth, CDF Chairman Suresh Prabhu underlined, saying the new cooperative body aims to make India a 5 to 10 trillion-dollar economy.
Elaborating on the aims and objectives of ‘Cooperative Development Forum’, Suresh Pr...

13Mar3991 Comments
Sahakar Bharati leaders meet NABARD Chairman; raise co-op bank issues
Sahakar Bharati founder Member Satish Marathe and Ntl Gen Secretary Dr Uday Joshi met Nabard Chairman Dr Govinda Rajulu Chintala recently at his office and raised a host of issues related to the cooperative sector.
“Nabard Chairman Dr Chintalaji listened to our concerns very patiently and assured us to resolve the issues sooner than later. We had a very fruitful meeting. Besides, he was also very positive towards our demands”, Joshi said to the Indian Cooperative correspondent soon after the meeting.
Talking about the issues raised during the meeting Joshi said, ” There is a need to empower State Co-operative banks & District Central Cooperative Banks. They should be allowed to raise Share Capital through Public & Pvt placements. Formulation of a merger policy for DCCBs into ...