About Sahakar Bharati


Sahakar Bharati is the only pan India organisation of CoOperators and CoOperatives. It envisages to create, both in Rural and Urban areas, a strong and devoted cadre of selfless CoOperators and a chain of CoOperatives which would spread the knowledge of the CoOperative Movement which in the present circumstances can only act as the ‘saviour’ for the upliftment of Small Farmers, Landless Labourers, Vanwasis, Women, SHGs and JLGs, Rural Craftsman and Technicians, Jobless Youth from the Middle and Lower income groups.


  • In our Country, the CoOperative Movement should be built as one of the primary instruments of decentralised and labour intensive economy for speedy, balanced, equitable and sustainable growth.
  • There is a pressing need to enlighten the masses about the benefits of the Co-Operative Movement and to make the Co-Operative Movement truly a shield of the weak and the underprivileged.


  • With this end in view, it is necessary to organise at regular intervals Training Camps, Lecture Series, Seminars, Conferences, etc. to empower the masses to build Self sustaining and Self reliant CoOperative institutions.
  • Sahakar Bharati is committed to keep CoOperative institutions autonomous and insulate them from external control and political interference.
  • With this end in view, Sahakar Bharati will strive for amendments to State and Central CoOperative Acts in line with the 97th Constitutional Amendment.

Aims & Objectives

  • To open branches and enlighten the masses about the CoOperative Movement and Sahakar Bharati
  • To encourage people at National, State, District, Taluka and Village levels to promote, form and run a variety of need based CoOperatives of various types
  • To provide advisory services in Techno-Economic areas to CoOperatives to overcome their operational issues
  • To represent matters to State and Central Governments, RBI, NABARD, NHB, CBDT, NITI Aayog and other Institutions at State and National levels relating to promotion, formation and working of the CoOperatives
  • To encourage, undertake, institute Research, Study and Surveys in various fields, especially related to CoOperative, Social, Economic sectors
  • To undertake and assist projects to improve socio-economic conditions in rural and tribal areas
  • To do any other thing to help especially the backward people and areas to improve their Social and Economic conditions through the CoOperative Movement

Sahakar Bharati Declaration:

Under the mentorship of Late Shri Laxmanrao alias VakilSaheb Inamdar, the Founding Members unanimously adopted the following Declaration which expressed concern for Community and committed to make the CoOperative movement a potent instrument of Socio-Economic Change.  

WHEREAS the CoOperative Movement in our country should be build up as one of the primary instruments of the decentralized and labour-intensive economy which only will generate speedy and balanced economic growth,

AND WHEREAS there is a pressing need of the time to make the CoOperative Movement truly a shield of the weak and the downtrodden and to enlighten the masses about the benefits of the CoOperative Movement.

AND WHEREAS it is also necessary to further this cause to provide expert advice to the existing CoOperative Societies and the new ones that would come up in future, on the basis of detailed study and research,

AND WHEREAS with this end in view, it is desirable that by organizing Training Camps, Lecture Series, Seminars, Conferences, etc. at regular intervals, people at large should be enlightened to organise the CoOperative Movement comprising of self-sustaining and self-reliant institutions, which are free from external control and political manipulations:

AND WHEREAS with this background, the Sahakar Bharati envisages and endeavours to create a strong and devoted cadre of selfless and dedicated workers who would be equipped for spreading the knowledge of the CoOperative Movement which in the present circumstances can only act as the ‘saviour’ for the upliftment of Vanwasis, Small Farmers, Landless Labourers, Rural Artisans, Jobless Technicians, Young Entrepreneurs and Consumers from the Middle and Lower-income groups.


For fulfilment of its objectives, Sahakar Bharati may undertake any of the following activities on a no-profit basis:

  • To organise Seminars, Conferences, Meetings, Camps, Sessions, Lectures, etc. to instruct, guide, educate and enlighten the people and all those associated with the CoOperative Movement.
  • To publish, print, circulate and distribute Papers, Articles, Periodicals, Magazines, Reports, Books, etc. to further the objectives of the CoOperative Movement.
  • To produce Films, Photographs, Posters, etc. and arrange their exhibition.
  • To establish, Educational and Training Institutions to empower all those associated with Social, Economic and CoOperative fields, in various disciplines as per their needs.
  • To form Cells, Branches, Offices, etc to undertake Projects, Surveys, Studies and Research and to provide techno-economic services.
  • To raise funds in order to help Individuals, Institutions carrying out activities similar to those of the Sahakar Bharati and to carry out various activities of Sahakar Bharati.