Sahakar Sugandha

Sahakar Sugandha is the mouthpiece of Sahakar Bharati and acts for the betterment of the co-operative movement. Sahakar Sugandha publishes illustrated news of the co-operative movement, co-operative developments, news, articles etc.

Sahakar Sugandha is being circulated all over India and it is published for the last 13 years. The all-inclusive ‘Sahakar Sugandh’ magazine (Marathi Edition) is distributed to all co-operative organisations in Maharashtra. In addition, a separate version of Sahakar Sugandh in Hindi-English combined language is being distributed across the country.

Your active participation as an active component of the co-operative movement is a must for the wide circulation of the magazine. It is also a platform for resolving issues related to co-operatives. We request you to send your opinions, questions, doubts, problems to us, which will also get publicity and also the guidance of experts, experienced people in the co-operatives are shared to readers. At present, it is also being published regularly through Sahakar-Samadhan.

Circulars issued by Maharashtra State-Co-operative Department, explanatory notes of RBI circulars are being published regularly.
We organise a competition named ‘Pratibimba” for Urban co-operative banks, credit unions, to facilitate good and inclusive annual report. It is getting a good response.

सहकार सुगंध – मराठी

सहकार सुगंध – फेब्रुवारी २०२३

सहकार सुगंध – जानेवारी २०२३

सहकार सुगंध – ऑक्टोबर २०२२

सहकार सुगंध – सप्टेंबर २०२२

सहकार सुगंध – ऑगस्ट २०२२

सहकार सुगंध – जुलै २०२२


सहकार सुगन्ध- हिन्दी

सहकार सुगन्ध नवम्बर -२०२२

सहकार सुगन्ध सितम्बर -२०२२

सहकार सुगन्ध अगस्त -२०२२

सहकार सुगन्ध जुलाई -२०२२




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