Thursday, February 13PROUD TO BE A COOPERATOR

Sahakar Bharati pitches for Constitution of Committee to formulate National Policy for Rural CoOperatives

To achieve rapid, equitable and sustainable growth of the Rural and Agricultural Sectors, Sahakar Bharati has raised its voice to formulate a National Policy to define the Roles of CoOperative Financial Institutions, particularly, PACs, DCCBs and StCBs.

Doubling Farmers’ Income, making Bharat Atmanirbhar, and taking the Indian Economy to the Five Trillion Dollar level, are the main mottos behind the demands of Sahakar Bharati. This was discussed in the National Conclave of District Central CoOperative Banks which was held under the aegis of CoOperative Development Forum (CDF) on 22nd March 2021 at NCUI Auditorium, New Delhi.

National Conclave of DCCBs was attended over by 165 Chairmen, Directors, MDs, Administrators, Senior Officials of DCCBs from 13 States viz Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, Karnataka, Maharashtra, Gujarat, Uttarakhand, Punjab, Delhi, Kerala, Rajasthan, Odisha, Sikkim. The Conclave was also attended by Chairmen / Directors of some State CoOperative Banks (StCBs), besides many eminent CoOperators from various States.

“Sahakarita” Leaders like Suresh Prabhu, Satish Marathe, Dr U S Awasthi, Dr Chandra Pal Singh Yadav, Sahakar Bharati General Secretary Dr Uday Joshi were present on the dais.

After detailed deliberations lasting over 5 hours, during which over 30 participants expressed their views, the Resolution with abovesaid demand was unanimously adopted.

DCCBs are Important because-
363 DCCBs are at the centre of the 3 Tier Rural Credit Delivery System and cover 6.93 lakhs villages through a network of 14,224 No of branches and 95,238 No of PACS in the Country. In the process, DCCBs through its branches and through PACs, cumulatively serve Banking and Financial needs of over 13 Crores Shareholders / Members.
If DCCBs are disbanded, the new entity would not be able to meet the requirements of such a large body of Shareholders and hence, it is highly necessary that the middle Tier of DCCBs needs to be strengthened for achieving the twin objectives of Doubling Farmers’ Income and making India Atmanirbhar.

Sahakar Bharati letter states that If DCCBs are disbanded, the new entity would not be able to meet the requirements of such a large body of Shareholders and hence, it is highly necessary that the middle Tier of DCCBs needs to be strengthened for achieving the twin objectives of Doubling Farmers’ Income and making India Atmanirbhar.

Click to Read: Letter to all DCCBs 5.4.2021

The above Resolution has been sent to Hon Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, Union Finance Minister requesting her to set up a broad based Committee of Representative of GOI, State Governments, NITI Aayog, RBI, NABARD, Federal CoOperatives and CoOperators to define the Roles of CoOperative Financial Institutions, particularly, PACs, DCCBs and StCBs.

Similar letters have been sent to Shri Shaktikanta Das, Governor, Reserve Bank of India and the Chairman, NABARD. Notably, the letter has been sent to all 300 DCCBs in India inviting them to join the National Committee to strengthen the CoOperative Movement to achieve rapid, equitable and sustainable growth of the Rural and Agricultural Sectors

Furthermore, Sahakar Bharati has sent letters to all Chief Ministers and CoOperation Ministers of all the States, requesting them not to consider any proposal to merge DCCBs with StCBs.

Also Read: 
CDF inaugurated; aim is to give the co-operative sector an enabling framework to grow

Marathe strongly advocates continuity of district central cooperative banks