Press Statements

Sahakar Bharati pitches for Constitution of Committee to formulate National Policy for Rural CoOperatives
DCCBs, Latest Updates, Press Statements, Resolutions

Sahakar Bharati pitches for Constitution of Committee to formulate National Policy for Rural CoOperatives

To achieve rapid, equitable and sustainable growth of the Rural and Agricultural Sectors, Sahakar Bharati has raised its voice to formulate a National Policy to define the Roles of CoOperative Financial Institutions, particularly, PACs, DCCBs and StCBs. Doubling Farmers’ Income, making Bharat Atmanirbhar, and taking the Indian Economy to the Five Trillion Dollar level, are the main mottos behind the demands of Sahakar Bharati. This was discussed in the National Conclave of District Central CoOperative Banks which was held under the aegis of CoOperative Development Forum (CDF) on 22nd March 2021 at NCUI Auditorium, New Delhi. National Conclave of DCCBs was attended over by 165 Chairmen, Directors, MDs, Administrators, Senior Officials of DCCBs from 13 States viz Madhya Pradesh, Uttar ...
Satish Marathe on NHB Board
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Satish Marathe on NHB Board

Sahakar Bharati Founder member and RBI Director Satish Marathe has been nominated on the Board of the National Housing Bank (NHB) as per recent RBI notification. NHB acts as an apex financial institution for the housing sector. Sahakar Bharati National President Shri Ramesh Vaidya and National General Secretary Dr Uday Joshi has congratulated Marathe on his nomination.
Sahakar Bharati demands inclusion of co-operators in RBI’s EC
Press Statements

Sahakar Bharati demands inclusion of co-operators in RBI’s EC

Sahakar Bharati has hailed the decision of the Reserve Bank of India for the constitution of the Expert Committee (EC) for UCBs and has demanded to include co-operators in the Committee. In the messages sent by Sahakar Bharati, National General Secretary Uday Joshi, said, “Sahakar Bharati hails the constitution of Expert Committee (EC) for UCBs vide RBI Governor Statement dated 5th Feb 2021.” Sahakar Bharati had been constantly pressing for the constitution of the EC, particularly after the enactment of Amendments in the BR ACT & a fall in the number of UCBs across the country, added Joshi. However, Sahakar Bharati also expects the constitution of a broad-based EC which will consider important points for the overall development of the sector. The EC should have offic...
Sahakar Bharati demands separate Ministry for co-op sector
Activities, Latest Updates, Press Statements

Sahakar Bharati demands separate Ministry for co-op sector

The National Executive Committee of Sahakar Bharati which is going to be held later this month in Delhi, is going to pitch for the creation of a separate Ministry for the Co-operative sector at the national level. To be held on 27th & 28th February at the NCUI Auditorium, New Delhi, the NC is going to deliberate many issues including the fact that the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few is not conducive for balanced and equitable growth. Talking to Indian Cooperative Sahakar Bharati’s National General Secretary Dr Uday Joshi said a cross-section of co-operators is opposed to the idea of the merger of DCCBs with State Co-op Banks. A full three hours debate will follow PowerPoint Presentation on the subject in the national executive, he added. ...
Sahakar Bharati welcomes the announcement of appointing EC for UCBs
Latest Updates, Press Statements

Sahakar Bharati welcomes the announcement of appointing EC for UCBs

Sahakar Bharati hails the constitution of Expert Committee(EC) for UCBs vide RBI Governor Statement dt 5 th Feb 2021. Sahakar Bharati was constantly pressing for the constitution of EC, particularly after the enactment of Amendments in BR ACT & downfall in the number of UCBs across the country. Sahakar Bharati welcomes the announcement of appointing EC for UCBs. However, Sahakar Bharati also expects the broad-based EC which will consider the following important points too for the overall development of the sector 1) EC be broad-based of officials & Cooperators 2) Drafting of Vision for the growth of UCB Sector including issuing of licences for new UCBs 3) Providing a road map with milestones. 4) Provision of voluntary conversion of Credit Coops into UCBs & ...
Sahakar Bharati welcomes the budget announcements pertaining to CoOp sector
Press Statements

Sahakar Bharati welcomes the budget announcements pertaining to CoOp sector

Sahakar Bharati appreciates & welcome the important announcements made by FM Smt Nirmala Sitaraman in her Central Budget speech as of today 1st Feb 2021 pertaining to CoOp Sector, 1) Smt Nirmala ji has announced to extend EASE OF DOING BUSINESS NORMS to Multi-State CoOp Societies which Sahakar Bharati has requested for long. 2) FM has assured to organise suitable machinery for raising funds for CoOps by issuing shares & bonds.3) Sahakar Bharati was constantly insisting to organise separate Desk or Section in the Dept of Financial Services. FM has assured to set up Administrative Structure for CoOs which we hope it will provide requisite input to FM while formulating CoOp policies. In spite of above FM has assured tax neutrality while converting UCBs to SFB. We hop...