Thursday, February 13PROUD TO BE A COOPERATOR

Sahakar Bharati demands separate Ministry for co-op sector

The National Executive Committee of Sahakar Bharati which is going to be held later this month in Delhi, is going to pitch for the creation of a separate Ministry for the Co-operative sector at the national level.

Sahakar Bharati demands separate Ministry for co-op sector

To be held on 27th & 28th February at the NCUI Auditorium, New Delhi, the NC is going to deliberate many issues including the fact that the concentration of economic and political power in the hands of a few is not conducive for balanced and equitable growth.

Talking to Indian Cooperative Sahakar Bharati’s National General Secretary Dr Uday Joshi said a cross-section of co-operators is opposed to the idea of the merger of DCCBs with State Co-op Banks. A full three hours debate will follow PowerPoint Presentation on the subject in the national executive, he added.

“Prior to the NC meeting, a meeting of the National Organising Committee will be held at the same venue. Post-Covid Pandemic this is the first physical meeting of the NEC being held in the National Capital”, Joshi said.

Other issues that are likely to come up include the promotion of digitalization in rural areas. There would be a debate on how to make Primary Agricultural Societies (PACs) and Primary Milk Societies a part of the National Payment System, Joshi said.

Co-operatives are basically economic enterprises and hence, on the lines of the Central Government move on this issue, an appeal will be made to all State Govts to cover Co-ops under Ease of Doing Business Norms, underlined Joshi.

Similarly, just as the Central Government has initiated steps to amend the Multi-State Co-op Societies Act to empower Co-ops to raise capital through the issue of Equity Shares and Bonds, NEC will Appeal to the State Govts to amend their respective State Co-op Acts.

“Besides the above, NEC will debate on Organisational Issues viz. convening State Conferences, Tour Programmes of national and state leaders, Organising Conferences of farmers to form Farmer Producer Organisations (FPOs) and Mahila Co-op Societies, etc.”, read a press release sent by Sahakar Bharati.
