Thursday, February 13PROUD TO BE A COOPERATOR




Membership Category Organizational (Yearly Fees) Urban Co-op Bank – Rs. 10,000/- Credit Co-op. Society – Rs. 1,000/- Dist./State Co-op. Federation. – Rs. 1,000/- All Other Primary Societies – Rs. 100/- To : The President, Sahakar Bharati Dear Sir, We hereby apply for membership of Sahakar Bharati, All India organization (NGO) for Co-operative movement as per the following details : For Co-op. Society Membership : Individual Membership Category : Individual : Rs. 100/- (for every 3 years) To, The President, Sahakar Bharati Dear Sir, I hereby apply for membership of Sahakar Bharati, All India organization (NGO) for Co-operative movement as per the following details : For Individual Membership

Contact Us

All India Office5, Wagale Sadan, Bhagshala Maidan,Near Rationing Office, Dombivli (W)Dist-Thane, Maharashtra, Pin- 421202.Telefax: 0251-2493678Mobile No:0758872202608879860524Email-Id: [email protected] Sahakar Bharati Mumbai OfficePlot No. 211, Flat No. 25-27, BEAS Bldg.,Satguru Saharan Coop Hsg. Soc.,Opp Sion Hospital, Sion (E), Mumbai – 400 022Ph: 022-24010252