Thursday, February 13PROUD TO BE A COOPERATOR

Activities Of Sahakar Bharati

Activities Of Sahakar Bharati

For fulfilment of its objectives, Sahakar Bharati may undertake any of the following activities on no profit basis:

  • To organise Seminars, Conferences, Meetings, Camps, Sessions, Lectures, etc. to instruct, guide, educate and enlighten the people and all those associated with the Co-Operative Movement.
  • To publish, print, circulate and distribute Papers, Articles, Periodicals, Magazines, Reports, Books, etc. to further the objectives of the Co-Operative Movement.
  • To produce Films, Photographs, Posters, etc. and arrange their exhibition.
  • To establish, Educational and Training Institutions to empower all those associated with Social, Economic and Co-Operative fields, in various disciplines as per their needs.
  • To form a Cells, Branches, Offices, etc to undertake Projects, Surveys, Studies and Research and to provide techno-economic services.
  • To raise funds in order to help Individuals, Institutions carrying out activities similar to those of the Sahakar Bharati and to carry out various activities of Sahakar Bharati.