Co-Operative Flag

Rainbow is regarded as an auspicious omen, Farmers see the Rainbow and Start ploughing their fields, They read in it the message about rains to come, It is thus a symbol of hope, a harbinger of peace.

Men see co-operation in its multi-coloured pattern, each colours blending with the other to make one harmonious whole and ultimately all-pervading harmony-unity in Diversity. The seven hues of the Rainbow when blended together reunite to present pure unstained white effulgence.

Thus it stands for purity, truth and righteousness. It symbolizes the aims and idea of the cooperative movement. Like the Rainbow, Co-operation brings hope to the depressed, achieves harmony among diverse interests and offers the promise of ultimate and universal peace.

Co-operator by their own effort, inspired by a sense of fraternity, equity and love of the social justice, strive to remedy the past and create a new economic system a system in which capital plays the role of servant instead of master, the object of production is organised self-help instead of profit and human dignity is given the pride of place for achieving a more equitable and efficient economy, better social adjustment and a more balanced system of democracy. 


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